1. 鋁合金設計,質輕易攜帶。
2. 上螺帽保護主軸超揚昇。
3. 強力彈簧加速主軸回縮速度。
4. 墊塊及缸底墊塊預防荷重的危險。
5. 各種號均含SQB- 3/UF快速接頭及防塵蓋。
6. 7075-T6鋁合金材質,能以最小重量承最大能力。
7. 主軸及缸壁內外陽極處理防損耐磨且延長使用壽命。
8. 多層油封設計,預防金屬材質間互相磨擦,防止側向荷載受損。
9. 特殊軟質環設計,防止主軸偏心荷載;避免磨耗刮傷油缸。
Single-Acting, Hollow Plunger Aluminum Cylinders
※Lightweight, aluminum design for maximum portability.
※7075-TR Aluminum alloy components for maximum strength and minimum weight.
※Steel baseplate and saddle for protection against piston rod damage.
※Anodizing treatment plunger, surfaces and inner of barrel resists damage and extends cylinder life.
※Maximum sized springs speed piston return and increase spring life.
※Special soft ring reduces wear caused by off-center loads.
※Composite bearings prevent metal-to-metal contact, increasing cylinder life and resistance to side-load.
※Stop ring for piston blow-out protection.
※AIl cylinders are equipped with SQB-3/8UF female coupler & dust cap.